
Here I’ll share some of the comments I’ve received over the years:

I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the music you have made, and have generously shared with anyone who wants to download the tunes from your site. I was pointed in your direction by a fellow Andrew Peterson fan last week. Knowing that my Saturday involved a lot of driving around, getting errands done, I decided to burn disks of your songs to listen to as I drove. Am I ever glad I did! “Descending Like a Dove” had me weeping in my car as the early Spring sunshine streamed through the windows. “A Prayer for Evan Dando” has been on constant repeat in my brain. Woke up at about 3am last night with it in my head…smiled as I fell back to sleep. You said on your site that you are still writing songs that may not ever be heard by anyone else but you and your tape recorder. I guess I just wanted to say, I hope you’ll keep finding a way to share your music with the world…it’s been a blessing to me, and I’m sure to many others.
– Rebekah

Just wanted to thank you for making your music available. Two of your songs are now on the soundtrack for two digital picture frames I’m giving as Christmas gifts this year. (I know it’s not MTV, but it’s big to me) I lost my husband this past October to cancer, and so the gift of remembering happier times with him is one I’m giving to my mom and daughter via the pictures & music. Anyway, I was thrilled when I discovered your songs while surfing for music. Thanks again and may God bless you.
– Rochelle
